07/03/2018 System Operation European Stakeholder Committee
SO ESC 7 March -
Position on energy storage and storage services
Variable renewable generation requires the power system to become more flexible to respond to the variability and uncertainty of operational conditions at various timeframes.... -
12/06/2018 System Operation European Stakeholder Committee
SO ESC 12 June 2018. -
ENTSO-E Views: Clean Energy for All Europeans Package
On 30 November 2016 the European Commission presented a package of measures to keep the European Union competitive as the clean energy transition changes global energy markets.... -
Annual Report 2017
ENTSO-E annual report for the year 2017. -
08/06/2018 Market European Stakeholder Committee
MESC of 6 June 2018. -
Market Reports
ENTSO-E's market team supports TSO members in all areas relating to the development and harmonization of market rules. Its main mission is to ensure that the objectives of the... -
Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2014
EU legislation mandates ENTSO-E to publish a biennial, non-binding, Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP). This network development plan is designed to increase... -
Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect 2014
The ENTSO-E Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect (YS&AR) is a statistical report presenting the key features of Europe’s electricity market with graphics and... -
Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect 2013
The data presented in this edition covers 2013 and indicates that on ENTSO-E’s power system: Electricity consumption decreased by -1.3% (-1.0% when taking into account the... -
Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect 2012
The ENTSO-E Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect (YS&AR) is a statistical report presenting the key features of Europe’s electricity market with graphics and charts.... -
Work Programme 2014-2015
This is the 2014-2015 edition. ENTSO-E publishes an Annual Work Programme as required under Regulation 714/2009.... -
Winter Outlook Report 2014/2015 and Summer Review
The ENTSO-E Outlook Reports present the views of Europe's electricity TSOs regarding national, regional and pan-European security of supply for the summer and winter periods. -
Winter Outlook Report 2013/2014 and Summer Review
The ENTSO-E Outlook Reports present the views of Europe's electricity TSOs regarding national, regional and pan-European security of supply for the summer and winter periods. -
Winter Outlook Report 2012/2013 and Summer Review
The ENTSO-E Outlook Reports present the views of Europe's electricity TSOs regarding national, regional and pan-European security of supply for the summer and winter periods. -
Winter Outlook Report 2011/2012 and Summer Review
Winter Outlook Report 2011/2012 and Summer Review -
Winter Outlook Report 2010/11 and Summer Review
Winter Outlook Report 2010/11 and Summer Review -
Winter Outlook Report 2009/10 and Summer Review
Winter Outlook Report 2009/10 and Summer Review -
Winter Outlook 2016/2017 and Summer Review 2016
ENTSO-E analyses possible risks for the security of supply in Europe twice per year: for the summer and winter periods. Because of possible very high/low temperatures and other... -
Winter Outlook 2015/16 and Summer Review
The ENTSO-E Winter Outlook 2015/16 shows that in general Europe has sufficient generation for both normal and severe demand conditions. While various countries may require... -
Wide Area Monitoring - Continental Europe
Wide Area Monitoring – Current Continental Europe TSOs Applications Overview (September 2015) The report reflects the current use of Wide Area Monitoring application and tools... -
TYNDP 2016
The 2016 edition of the 10-year network development plan (TYNDP) builds on the 2014 edition and offers a view on what grid is needed where to achieve Europe's climate objectives... -
TYNDP Project Monitoring 2014
In an effort to further increase transparency and usability of the TYNDP, and responding to the recommendations of ACER, ENTSO-E publishes a monitoring in the year between TYNDP... -
TSO-DSO Data Management Report
This joint report provides input to the European Commission in their work on identifying an appropriate TSO – DSO framework, being part of the forthcoming “Market design and... -
Towards Smarter Grids: ENTSO-E Position Paper on Developing TSO and DSO Roles...
Consumers have an increasingly active role in the electricity market, due to the development of renewable sources of energy and of demand-side response. This paper identifies... -
Towards an Energy Union: ENTSO-E’s Initial Proposals for a European Energy Union
ENTSO-E publishes its initial proposals on the Energy Union. It outlines several recommendations for the design and implementation of the Energy Union framework. -
The Incidents Classification Scale Methodology (2014)
The Incidents Classification Scale Methodology 2013
The Incidents Classification Scale Methodology 2012
The Incidents Classification Scale Methodology
The Incidents Classification Scale Methodology (2013 updated), Working Group INCIDENTS CLASSIFICATION SCALE UNDER SYSTEM OPERATION COMMITTEE -
The Incidents Classification Scale Guidelines
Technical cooperation with third-country TSOs
This document provides recommendations for the cooperation of ENTSO-E with third-country TSOs and is adopted in accordance with Article 8(3)(c) Regulation (EC) No 714 / 2009. -
Summer Outlook & Winter Review 2015/2016
ENTSO-E and its members are performing analysis of potential risk to system adequacy in Europe ahead of the summer and winter seasons. This is the 2015/2016 edition -
System Protection Dynamics
This is one of the 5 sub groups of Regional Group Continental Europe -
Summer Outlook Report 2015 and Winter Review
Summer Outlook Report 2015 and Winter Review - The ENTSO-E Outlook Reports present the views of Europe's electricity TSOs regarding national, regional and pan-European security... -
Summer Outlook Report 2014 and Winter Review
Summer Outlook Report 2014 and Winter Review -
Summer Outlook Report 2013 and Winter Review
Summer Outlook Report 2013 and Winter Review -
Summer Outlook Report 2012 and Winter Review
Summer Outlook Report 2012 and Winter Review -
Summer Outlook Report 2011 and Winter Review
Summer Outlook Report 2011 and Winter Review -
Summer Outlook Report 2010 and Winter Review
Summer Outlook Report 2010 and Winter Review -
Summer Outlook Report 2009 and Winter Review
Summer Outlook Report 2009 and Winter Review -
Summer Outlook 2018 & Winter Review 2017/2018
The ENTSO-E Outlook Reports present the views of Europe's electricity TSOs regarding national, regional and pan-European security of supply for the summer and winter periods. -
Sub Group Network Models Forecast Tools of the Regional Group Continental Europe
This is one of the 5 subgroups of Regional Group Continental Europe -
SubGroup System Protection and Dynamics
This is one of the five sub-groups Regional Group Continental Europe -
Sub Group Compliance Monitoring Enforcement
This is one of the five sub groups of Regional Group Continental Europe -
Statistical Factsheet 2015
The ENTSO-E Statistical Factsheet (previously known as the Memo) provides 16 pages of annually updated essential information and data on ENTSO-E and its 41 member TSOs in a... -
Statistical Factsheets
The ENTSO-E Statistical Factsheet (previously known as the Memo) provides 16 pages of annually updated essential information and data on ENTSO-E and its 41 member TSOs in a... -
Solar Eclipse: The successful stress test of Europe’s power grid – more ahead
Solar eclipses occur all the time, all over the globe. In the traditional generation mix with fossil fuels, they were not a big deal for power system operators. This changed... -
Solar Eclipse Impact Analysis - Operations
European TSOs have been preparing for the solar eclipse that is due to take place on 20 March 2015. Due to the amount of solar generation involved, the risk of an incident under... -
Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecast (SO&AF) 2015
The SO&AF has been replaced by the MAF 2016 The 2015 edition of the Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecast (SO&AF) looks at how system adequacy -balance between supply...