Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecast 2011-2025

ENTSO-E’s Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecast (SO&AF) 2011- 2025 assesses the future system adequacy at a mid- to long- term time horizon. The SO&AF builds on ENTSO-E’s System Adequacy Forecast and, prior to that, on UCTE’s System Adequacy Forecast and ETSO’s Power System Adequacy.

The SO&AF analyses the adequacy of the ENTSO-E power system by providing an overview of generation adequacy analyses for all of ENTSO-E, its regions as well as for individual countries, including an assessment of the role of the transmission capacities and security of supply on a regional basis.

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Last Updated Hunyo 18, 2018, 16:21 (UTC)
Created Hunyo 10, 2018, 15:52 (UTC)