NTC Values 2006-2010

  1. The NTC values are indicative and non-binding values.
  2. The NTC values represent an ex-ante estimation of the seasonal transmission capacities of the joint interconnections on a border between neighbouring countries, assessed through security analyses based on the best estimation by TSOs of system and network conditions for the referred period.
  3. As numerical values, the NTCs constitute the maximum foreseen magnitudes of exchange programmes that can be operated between two areas respecting the N-1 security conditions of the involved areas, taking into account the uncertainties on the assumptions of NTC assessment (see document user guide on NTC and ATC).
  4. The cross-border capacity released to the market can differ from the NTC values, due to operational conditions different from the ones adopted within the assumptions of NTC assessment, in terms of generation and load pattern and/or exchange programs on other borders, and due to possible lines maintenance activities limiting the interconnection capacities.
  5. The NTC values provided by ETSO are computed on a bilateral basis for each separate border between neighbouring TSOs without considering multilateral influence. Thus these figures are not cumulative (they cannot be summed up).
  6. In order to take into account the possible interdependencies of the bilateral NTCs values on different borders of one country the maximal export/import value to/from each country have been included in this new prototype.
  7. For specific information of TSOs on these NTC-values for each country / border click on links TSO-information.
  8. For NTC data after 2011, please see transparency.entsoe.eu

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Field Value
Author media@entsoe.eu
Maintainer media@entsoe.eu
Version 1
Last Updated Hunyo 18, 2018, 16:21 (UTC)
Created Hunyo 10, 2018, 15:52 (UTC)
Security classification PUBLIC
Used in data-driven application NO