January 2015 - Draft
URL: https://www.entsoe.eu/Documents/Publications/Statistics/2015_Monthly/15_01_MS_v2.pdf
The Monthly Statistics reports are the basis for the Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect Report.
The reports feature monthly data concerning the following points:
- Electricity supply situation per country
- Electricity supply representation per country
- Physical energy flows
- Overview of the detailed physical energy flows
- Load flows (night & day)
- Unavailability of international tie lines (major events)
- Network reliability (major events)
- Highest and lowest load on the 3rd Wednesday
- Load diagrams on the 3rd Wednesday
- Water reservoir Nordic
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | Marso 1, 2016 |
Metadata last updated | Marso 1, 2016 |
Created | Marso 1, 2016 |
Format | |
License | entso-e-r |
Expiration date | 31/01/2015 |
Used in data-driven application | NO |
Id | 42634394-943a-4b99-8c08-f3175a339cfd |
Package id | 01a30b22-58d3-494b-8b00-5976586975af |
Size | 195.3 KiB |
State | active |
Webstore last updated | None |
Webstore url | None |