Towards Smarter Grids: ENTSO-E Position Paper...
Consumers have an increasingly active role in the electricity market, due to the development of renewable sources of energy and of demand-side response. This paper identifies needed changes in the TSO-DSO interface in order to unlock consumers’ potential as electricity producers and balancing actors while increasing consumers’ choice, electricity affordability and reliability.
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Fält | Värde |
Data senast uppdaterad | 4 mars 2016 |
Metadata senast uppdaterad | 4 mars 2016 |
Skapad | 4 mars 2016 |
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Licens | Other (Open) |
Expiration date | 03/03/2015 |
Used in data-driven application | NO |
Id | 89f6984e-2f7b-4d5c-b2e1-5a0795ac28a2 |
Package id | 3219d216-05ea-403e-8a4b-07aab528a8b0 |
Size | 195,3 KiB |
State | active |
Webstore last updated | None |
Webstore url | None |