ENTSO-E Study on TSO Capacity Buy-Back Schemes

In response to a request from the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), ENTSO-E has completed a study analysing possible TSO capacity buy-back schemes.

The ENTSO-E TSO capacity buy-back schemes study was guided by the views of relevant stakeholders and particularly considered position papers by EURELECTRIC and EFET on this topic. It analyses the opportunities and risks of TSO capacity buy-back schemes and possible implications against the provisions of the Network Code on Forward Capacity Allocation. Finally it identifies a number of conditions that any future TSO capacity buy-back scheme must comply with to be sustainable

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Autore media@entsoe.eu
Manutentore media@entsoe.eu
Versione 1.0
Ultimo aggiornamento giugno 18, 2018, 16:21 (UTC)
Creato giugno 10, 2018, 15:51 (UTC)
Security classification PUBLIC
Used in data-driven application NO