Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2014
EU legislation mandates ENTSO-E to publish a biennial, non-binding, Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP). This network development plan is designed to increase... -
Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect 2014
The ENTSO-E Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect (YS&AR) is a statistical report presenting the key features of Europe’s electricity market with graphics and... -
Work Programme 2014-2015
This is the 2014-2015 edition. ENTSO-E publishes an Annual Work Programme as required under Regulation 714/2009.... -
Winter Outlook Report 2013/2014 and Summer Review
The ENTSO-E Outlook Reports present the views of Europe's electricity TSOs regarding national, regional and pan-European security of supply for the summer and winter periods. -
The Incidents Classification Scale Methodology (2014)
Summer Outlook Report 2014 and Winter Review
Summer Outlook Report 2014 and Winter Review -
Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecast 2014-2030
The SO&AF has been replaced by the MAF 2016 The Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecast (SO&AF) is the ENTSO-E annual publication, and presents the scenarios included... -
Future TSO Coordination for Europe Policy Paper
TSOs within ENTSO-E have decided to implement and enforce a higher level of coordination among the TSOs for operating the European transmission system, as an answer to the... -
Fostering Electricity Transmission Investments to Achieve Europe´s Energy Goa...
A strong and secure transmission network is a widely recognised prerequisite to achieve EU energy and climate policy goals, which would lead to a major increase of welfare for... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2014
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric energy... -
ENTSO-E Response to ACER’s 'European Energy Regulation: A Bridge to 2025'
On 16 June, ENTSO-E responded to the ACER 29 April consultation 'European Energy Regulation: A Bridge to 2025'. ENTSO-E’s response includes specific comments on market design,... -
ENTSO-E Publishes Response to EC Proposals on Environment and Energy Aid
ENTSO-E has welcomed European Commission (EC) proposals for a review of the Community Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection. ENTSO-E said the recommendation to... -
ENTSO-E Position on EU 2020-2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework
ENTSO-E has published its position on the EU’s policy framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030. ENTSO-E welcomes the debate to define a stable, clear... -
ENTSO-E Grid Map 2014
Large format pdf posters of ENTSO-E gridmaps. ENTSO-E Network Northern European Central European -
ENTSO-E Assessment of Multi-Annual Hedging Transmission Rights
In response to a request from the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), ENTSO-E has completed a study assessing the feasibility of multi-annual transmission... -
Electricity in Europe 2014
Electricity in Europe provides a brief analysis in text and graphics of the major provisional electricity transmission statistics and trends from the previous year. -
Demand Side Response Policy Paper
Demand Side Response is a decisive part of market design, for which all industry stakeholders – particularly policymakers, distribution system operators and TSOs – need to... -
Annual Report 2014
ENTSO-E Annual Report 2014 document -
2014 ENTSO-E Policy Recommendations
The purpose of the paper is to outline the key issues facing Europe's power system today and lay out a series of recommendations which can set the EU on the path to addressing...
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