ENTSO-E Policy Paper on Cross-Border Participation to Capacity Mechanisms
This ENTSO-E policy paper focuses on the compatibility of national capacity mechanisms and on the design of cross-border participation solutions, presenting both the underlying... -
ENTSO-E Assessment of Multi-Annual Hedging Transmission Rights
In response to a request from the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), ENTSO-E has completed a study assessing the feasibility of multi-annual transmission... -
Ensuring the Viability of Europe's Future Energy Mix
Because of their central, neutral role in the system and the market, TSOs will ensure that the shift in the generation portfolio, needed to reach Europe’s ambitious energy and... -
EC Public Consultation on Generation Adequacy, Capacity Mechanisms and the In...
ENTSO-E has published its response to the EC public consultation on generation adequacy, capacity mechanisms and the internal market in electricity. ENTSO-E believes that in... -
Dispersed Generation and Security of Supply in the Region of Continental Europe
TSOs are calling Member States to take action to reduce significant operational risks to the European electricity grid represented by the possible uncoordinated disconnection of... -
Demand Side Response Policy Paper
Demand Side Response is a decisive part of market design, for which all industry stakeholders – particularly policymakers, distribution system operators and TSOs – need to... -
2015 ENTSO-E Policy Recommendations
The purpose of the paper is to outline the key issues facing Europe's power system today and lay out a series of recommendations which can set the EU on the path to addressing... -
2014 ENTSO-E Policy Recommendations
The purpose of the paper is to outline the key issues facing Europe's power system today and lay out a series of recommendations which can set the EU on the path to addressing...
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