ITC Transit Losses 2012
Further to Articles 4.2 and 4.3 of Annex Part A of Regulation EC 838/2010, ENTSO-E is mandated to publish an annual report on the transmission losses incurred on the... -
ITC Transit Losses 2011
Further to Articles 4.2 and 4.3 of Annex Part A of Regulation EC 838/2010, ENTSO-E is mandated to publish an annual report on the transmission losses incurred on the... -
ENTSO-E European Infrastructure Forum Day1_Session1_Handout_eHighway2050
Brief description on what the conclusion of the EU research project eHighway2050: how to plan grid by 2050 -
Inertia Report - Continental Europe
The report analyses the impact of reduced system inertia of the power system of Continental Europe caused by a shift of generation from classical synchronous generation to... -
Governance of the market coupling operation functions
As markets integrate further and move closer to real time, there is an increasing need for TSOs to get involved in how power exchanges design and operate market coupling... -
Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology
In the summer of 2016, all TSOs submitted the Common Grid Model Methodology (CGMM) as well as the Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology (GLDPM) to all regulatory... -
General Guidelines for Reinforcing the cooperation between TSOs And DSOs
These general guidelines set the basis for ongoing and future cooperation between TSOs and DSOs on data management, active/reactive power management, and coordinated network... -
Future TSO Coordination for Europe Policy Paper
TSOs within ENTSO-E have decided to implement and enforce a higher level of coordination among the TSOs for operating the European transmission system, as an answer to the... -
Fostering Electricity Transmission Investments to Achieve Europe´s Energy Goa...
A strong and secure transmission network is a widely recognised prerequisite to achieve EU energy and climate policy goals, which would lead to a major increase of welfare for... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2016
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric energy... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2015
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2014
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric energy... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2013
Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric energy transmission such as costs for infrastructure, energy losses, ancillary services,... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2012
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2011
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2010
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
ENTSO-E vision the Energy Union ahead!
This vision is ENTSO-E’s response to the Energy Union Communication ENTSO-E’s ‘Vision package’ includes four executive papers on an augmented market design, on regional... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2009
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
ENTSO-E Study on TSO Capacity Buy-Back Schemes
In response to a request from the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), ENTSO-E has completed a study analysing possible TSO capacity buy-back schemes. The... -
ENTSO-E Response to the EC 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies
ENTSO-E has published its response to the EC public consultation on its Green Paper “A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies
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