13/09/2018 System Operation European Stakeholder Committee
6th Committee Meeting -
12/06/2018 System Operation European Stakeholder Committee
SO ESC 12 June 2018. -
ENTSO-E Views: Clean Energy for All Europeans Package
On 30 November 2016 the European Commission presented a package of measures to keep the European Union competitive as the clean energy transition changes global energy markets.... -
14/09/2018 Grid Connection European Stakeholder Committee Meeting
11th Committee Meeting -
Annual Report 2017
ENTSO-E annual report for the year 2017. -
08/06/2018 Market European Stakeholder Committee
MESC of 6 June 2018. -
Market Reports
ENTSO-E's market team supports TSO members in all areas relating to the development and harmonization of market rules. Its main mission is to ensure that the objectives of the... -
Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2014
EU legislation mandates ENTSO-E to publish a biennial, non-binding, Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP). This network development plan is designed to increase... -
Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect 2014
The ENTSO-E Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect (YS&AR) is a statistical report presenting the key features of Europe’s electricity market with graphics and... -
Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect 2013
The data presented in this edition covers 2013 and indicates that on ENTSO-E’s power system: Electricity consumption decreased by -1.3% (-1.0% when taking into account the... -
Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect 2012
The ENTSO-E Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect (YS&AR) is a statistical report presenting the key features of Europe’s electricity market with graphics and charts.... -
Work Programme 2014-2015
This is the 2014-2015 edition. ENTSO-E publishes an Annual Work Programme as required under Regulation 714/2009.... -
Winter Outlook Report 2014/2015 and Summer Review
The ENTSO-E Outlook Reports present the views of Europe's electricity TSOs regarding national, regional and pan-European security of supply for the summer and winter periods. -
Winter Outlook Report 2013/2014 and Summer Review
The ENTSO-E Outlook Reports present the views of Europe's electricity TSOs regarding national, regional and pan-European security of supply for the summer and winter periods. -
Winter Outlook Report 2012/2013 and Summer Review
The ENTSO-E Outlook Reports present the views of Europe's electricity TSOs regarding national, regional and pan-European security of supply for the summer and winter periods. -
Winter Outlook Report 2011/2012 and Summer Review
Winter Outlook Report 2011/2012 and Summer Review -
Winter Outlook Report 2010/11 and Summer Review
Winter Outlook Report 2010/11 and Summer Review -
Winter Outlook Report 2009/10 and Summer Review
Winter Outlook Report 2009/10 and Summer Review -
Winter Outlook 2016/2017 and Summer Review 2016
ENTSO-E analyses possible risks for the security of supply in Europe twice per year: for the summer and winter periods. Because of possible very high/low temperatures and other... -
Winter Outlook 2015/16 and Summer Review
The ENTSO-E Winter Outlook 2015/16 shows that in general Europe has sufficient generation for both normal and severe demand conditions. While various countries may require...
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