Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecast 2014-2030
The Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecast (SO&AF) is the ENTSO-E annual publication, and presents the scenarios included in the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) in compliance with Regulation (EC) n. 714/2009. It also assesses the adequacy between generation and demand in the ENTSOE interconnected power system on mid- and long-term time horizons.
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Fält | Värde |
Data senast uppdaterad | 1 mars 2016 |
Metadata senast uppdaterad | 1 mars 2016 |
Skapad | 1 mars 2016 |
Format | |
Licens | entso-e-r |
Expiration date | 01/11/2014 |
Used in data-driven application | NO |
Id | 3db0501a-97d3-43a6-9d02-05ee7844a242 |
Package id | 8e2f8808-a777-429b-a68e-ab6dc11e8a68 |
Size | 195,3 KiB |
State | active |
Webstore last updated | None |
Webstore url | None |