8 seturi de date găsite

Cuvinte cheie: statistics

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  • Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect 2014

    ​​​​​​​​The ENTSO-E Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect (YS&AR) is a statistical report presenting the key features of Europe’s electricity market with graphics and...
  • Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect 2012

    The ENTSO-E Yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect (YS&AR) is a statistical report presenting the key features of Europe’s electricity market with graphics and charts....
  • Statistical Factsheet 2015

    The ENTSO-E Statistical Factsheet (previously known as the Memo) provides 16 pages of annually updated essential information and data on ENTSO-E and its 41 member TSOs in a...
  • Monthly Statistics 2015

    ENTSO-E’s Monthly Statistics provide basic figures on power systems of member TSOs, including production, consumption and cross-border exchanges.
  • Monthly Production Data

    Monthly production for a specific year (in GW hours)
  • Electricity in Europe 2016

    Electricity in Europe provides a brief analysis in text and graphics of the major provisional electricity transmission statistics and trends from the previous year.
  • Electricity in Europe 2015

    Electricity in Europe provides a brief analysis in text and graphics of the major provisional electricity transmission statistics and trends from the previous year.
  • Electricity in Europe 2014

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​Electricity in Europe provides a brief analysis in text and graphics of the major provisional electricity transmission statistics and trends from the previous year.
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