NTC Values 2006-2010
The NTC values are indicative and non-binding values. The NTC values represent an ex-ante estimation of the seasonal transmission capacities of the joint interconnections on a... -
Multilateral agreement on Regional Security Coordination Service Providers
The internal energy market and the energy transition require more regional coordination of transmission system operators (TSOs). In November 2014, ENTSO-E published its position... -
Market Design Policy Paper
A general principle of market design should be that market participants are incentivised to contribute to solving system scarcities (such as capacity and flexibility issues) for... -
ITC Transit Losses Data Report 2014
ITC Transit Losses Data Report provides a description of ‘With and Without Transit’ methodology, which is used in the calculation of the transit losses. -
ITC Transit Losses 2013
Further to Articles 4.2 and 4.3 of Annex Part A of Regulation EC 838/2010, ENTSO-E is mandated to publish an annual report on the transmission losses incurred on the... -
ITC Transit Losses 2012
Further to Articles 4.2 and 4.3 of Annex Part A of Regulation EC 838/2010, ENTSO-E is mandated to publish an annual report on the transmission losses incurred on the... -
ITC Transit Losses 2011
Further to Articles 4.2 and 4.3 of Annex Part A of Regulation EC 838/2010, ENTSO-E is mandated to publish an annual report on the transmission losses incurred on the... -
Future TSO Coordination for Europe Policy Paper
TSOs within ENTSO-E have decided to implement and enforce a higher level of coordination among the TSOs for operating the European transmission system, as an answer to the... -
Fostering Electricity Transmission Investments to Achieve Europe´s Energy Goa...
A strong and secure transmission network is a widely recognised prerequisite to achieve EU energy and climate policy goals, which would lead to a major increase of welfare for... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2015
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2014
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric energy... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2013
Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric energy transmission such as costs for infrastructure, energy losses, ancillary services,... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2012
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2011
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2010
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
ENTSO-E vision the Energy Union ahead!
This vision is ENTSO-E’s response to the Energy Union Communication ENTSO-E’s ‘Vision package’ includes four executive papers on an augmented market design, on regional... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2009
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
ENTSO-E position on the review of the Renewable Energy Directive
In line with the objectives of the Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy 2014-2020, ENTSO-E believes that the RED should be reviewed with the purpose... -
ENTSO-E Policy Paper on Cross-Border Participation to Capacity Mechanisms
This ENTSO-E policy paper focuses on the compatibility of national capacity mechanisms and on the design of cross-border participation solutions, presenting both the underlying... -
ENTSO-E Grid Map 2014
Large format pdf posters of ENTSO-E gridmaps. ENTSO-E Network Northern European Central European
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