Multilateral agreement on Regional Security Coordination Service Providers
The internal energy market and the energy transition require more regional coordination of transmission system operators (TSOs). In November 2014, ENTSO-E published its position... -
Market Design Policy Paper
A general principle of market design should be that market participants are incentivised to contribute to solving system scarcities (such as capacity and flexibility issues) for... -
ITC Transit Losses Data Report 2014
ITC Transit Losses Data Report provides a description of ‘With and Without Transit’ methodology, which is used in the calculation of the transit losses. -
ITC Transit Losses 2013
Further to Articles 4.2 and 4.3 of Annex Part A of Regulation EC 838/2010, ENTSO-E is mandated to publish an annual report on the transmission losses incurred on the... -
ITC Transit Losses 2012
Further to Articles 4.2 and 4.3 of Annex Part A of Regulation EC 838/2010, ENTSO-E is mandated to publish an annual report on the transmission losses incurred on the... -
ITC Transit Losses 2011
Further to Articles 4.2 and 4.3 of Annex Part A of Regulation EC 838/2010, ENTSO-E is mandated to publish an annual report on the transmission losses incurred on the... -
Future TSO Coordination for Europe Policy Paper
TSOs within ENTSO-E have decided to implement and enforce a higher level of coordination among the TSOs for operating the European transmission system, as an answer to the... -
Fostering Electricity Transmission Investments to Achieve Europe´s Energy Goa...
A strong and secure transmission network is a widely recognised prerequisite to achieve EU energy and climate policy goals, which would lead to a major increase of welfare for... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2015
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2014
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric energy... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2013
Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric energy transmission such as costs for infrastructure, energy losses, ancillary services,... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2012
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2011
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2010
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
ENTSO-E vision the Energy Union ahead!
This vision is ENTSO-E’s response to the Energy Union Communication ENTSO-E’s ‘Vision package’ includes four executive papers on an augmented market design, on regional... -
European Transmission Tariffs 2009
Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric... -
ENTSO-E position on the review of the Renewable Energy Directive
In line with the objectives of the Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy 2014-2020, ENTSO-E believes that the RED should be reviewed with the purpose... -
ENTSO-E Policy Paper on Cross-Border Participation to Capacity Mechanisms
This ENTSO-E policy paper focuses on the compatibility of national capacity mechanisms and on the design of cross-border participation solutions, presenting both the underlying... -
ENTSO-E Final Network Code on Emergency and Restoration
On 31 March 2015, the final Network Code on Emergency and Restoration and its supporting document were delivered to ACER for its opinion. These are the supporting documents as... -
ENTSO-E at a Glance
A concise overview of who we are and what we do ENTSO-E at a Glance is a brief, factual and informative overview on ENTSO-E and its key activities and objectives. Also included...
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