Winter Outlook 2016/2017 and Summer Review 2016
ENTSO-E analyses possible risks for the security of supply in Europe twice per year: for the summer and winter periods. Because of possible very high/low temperatures and other... -
Summer Outlook 2018 & Winter Review 2017/2018
The ENTSO-E Outlook Reports present the views of Europe's electricity TSOs regarding national, regional and pan-European security of supply for the summer and winter periods. -
Draft Mid-term Adequacy Forecast 2016
The MAF 2016 presents the first Pan-European probabilistic assessment of adequacy. The MAF replaces the Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecast. We're consulting ENTSO-E... -
Mid Term Adequacy Forecast 2017
The new edition of the ENTSO-E's mid term adequacy forecast is now out for public consultation. Be sure to send your feedback before 2 November 2017.
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