The overarching objective

In response to the call ENERGY.2012.7.2.1, the overarching objective of e-Highway2050 is to develop a top-down planning methodology to provide a first version of a modular and robust expansion plan for the Pan-European Transmission Network from 2020 to 2050, in line with the pillars of European energy policy.

The project is aimed at planning the Pan-European Transmission Network, including possible highways, capable of meeting European needs between 2020 and 2050.

  1. It will first implement a set of future power system scenarios to be reviewed by the consortium stakeholders of the project: these will include the requirements for generation units to support back-up and load balancing as well as the possible advent of electricity storage.
  2. The scenarios will then allow for the design of several grid architecture options, for which detailed costs/benefit analyses will be performed within an optimisation framework that covers the entire perimeters of the ENTSO-E organisation.
  3. The results are presented and debated within the entire electricity value chain and also with representatives of stakeholders in Europe, thus addressing the main drivers and potential barriers to the proposed grid architecture options.
  4. Starting with the pan-European grid in 2020 as described by the ENTSO-E TYNDP-2012, a modular approach leading to a portfolio of expansion plans is proposed where the 2020-2050 proposals optimise investment costs over this time frame.
  5. The study also provides grid design options, along with technology bottlenecks, technical planning, operations and governance, and potential supply chain gaps, with an emphasis on environmental and public acceptance issues.
  6. Lastly, governance and regulatory aspects are analysed resulting in a set of proposals which will be reviewed by the regulatory authorities.

The manufacturing industry is helping to pinpoint standardisation efforts to accompany the optimisation of future investments. Beyond the top-down, novel scenario-based approach, a parallel, improved optimisation route is being investigated to propose a methodology potentially leading to a more robust expansion plan. Thus, further recommendations will be made to improve the delivered planning methodology in view of implementing an ENTSO-E planning methodology to accompany ENTSO-E efforts from 2020 to 2050. The study will identify the needs for additional research development including demonstrators in further research projects for example.

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