WP6: Socio-economic profitability of the tentative grid architectures (RSE)

This work package analyses the preliminary conclusions being worked out in WP2. It proposes an economic ranking of the possible secure grid architectures defined in WP2 for each 2050 scenario.

It develops a methodology embedded in a European framework in order to:

  • Perform an economical profitability analysis of all grid architectures considered
  • Take into account the socio-environmental and technological constraints for each architecture studied
  • Analyse the respective non-monetary benefits.

Economic profitability index/indices are proposed allowing for the investigation of economic benefits, quantified through so-called social welfare, including dispatching costs and internalisation of externalities bound to CO2 and other pollutants.

Then, the WP6 carries out an analysis of the alternative pan-European architectures proposed by the WP2, with the aim to rank them according to the previously elaborated cost-benefit methodology. The best-ranked solution will finally be reviewed from the operational standpoint by WP4. In this way, the Modular Plan for the transmission grid by 2030, 2040 and 2050  is finally jointly delivered by WP4 and WP6.

The work package is led by RSE with the support of many European Transmission System Operators, some of the most important research institutions, stakeholders and manufacturers associations and an NGO.

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