WP5: Electricity Highways governance models (ELIA)

This work package will establish target governance models of the 2050 grid architectures by comparing and analysing feasible governance options. Additionally an initial policy proposal and a roadmap for implementing these target governance models to 2050 will be developed. Governance model appraisal covers questions such as:  

  • Who pays what?
  • What are the rights, roles and duties of the stakeholders involved?
  • How to ensure proper investments and secure operations?

An in-depth analysis on cost and benefit allocation, role identification and financing will be performed, followed by an evaluation of the necessary shifts in existing policies. Finally, a roadmap will be established to propose the migration of the 2020 governance model towards a target governance model(s) in 2030, 2040 and 2050.

This work package is led by ELIA with contributions from the TSO’s RTE, TERNA, and Svenska Kraftnät (as third party via ENTSO-E) and from European expert laboratories (Comillas, KU Leuven, ECN, Brunel University).

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Partners WP5

Logo Elia group
Logo Comillas
Logo ECN
Logo KUL
Logo RTE
Logo Terna