WP4: Modular development and operations (REN)

For each scenario tested, this work package analyses the operational and environmental assessments of the most efficient grid architecture ranked according to a cost/benefit analysis studied in WP6.

  • The operational analysis focuses on the major reliability/stability issues introduced by the interconnections chosen between clusters to increase capacity. Using AC simulations of dedicated configurations, recommendations are made regarding either the feasibility based on operational criteria, the need for technology performance increases to reinforce stability or the rejection of the architecture due to its impact on network reliability.
  • The environmental analysis uses a methodology developed by Instituto Superior Técnico Lisoba (IST).

Once such studies have been performed, WP4 provides the modular development plan of the Pan-European Transmission Grid for 2030, 2040 and 2050 which meets the environmental and operational constraints. Governance models are proposed based on the WP5 studies.

This work package is led by REN. The operational validation is led by SWISSGRID with the support of research laboratories and TSOs. The environmental analysis is led by IST. Modular development combines simulations from TU Berlin by 2020 and 2030, with inputs from TSOs and universities.

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Partners WP4

Logo REN
Logo IST
Logo KU Leuven
Logo swissgrid
Logo TU Berlin