Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain

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Institute for Research in Technology (School of Engineering (ICAI) of Comillas Pontificial University of Madrid, Spain) has R&D activities in technical areas related to energy systems: 1.) Decision Support Systems for the Energy Sector Research Group;  2.) Power-Economics Regulation Research Group;  3.) Modelling, Analysis and Control Group.

Main contributions to the project:
Comillas will contribute to work package 2, work package 3, Work Package 5work package 5, work package 6 and work package 8.

Within WP2, it will be a main actor in the development of grid architectures that, given the European economic dispatch computed within task 2.4, are able to achieve a reasonable trade-off between network investment costs and the resulting savings in operating costs (fuel costs and non served energy costs).

Within WP3, Comillas will investigate how deploying a specific technology could affect local and global power system stability and control. In WP5, Comillas will play a leading role in the definition of the most suitable governance models to consider for their implementation within the IEM in different time frames. Comillas will also contribute significantly to an in-depth analysis of the most promising governance options so as to select the one that best adapts to each scenario at each point in time, taking into account the features of grid architectures to be deployed. In WP6, Comillas will lead the assessment of the impact of the different possible grid architectures on system security. Main system variables to be monitored should relate to reliability (such as the amount of non-served energy in the system) and the ability of the system to absorb electricity produced from renewable energy sources (RES energy spillages). Finally, in WP8, Comillas will lead two main tasks. One will deal with the definition of a methodology and the development of a tool to detect network overloads in the year 2050 and compute network expansion plans that are able to achieve an optimal balance between the associated savings in congestion costs and the cost of required investments. Both the stochasticity of input parameters and the diversity of technologies available will be properly considered when solving this problem. Another team will focus on assessing the robustness of the grid architectures developed in task 8.3 from the viewpoint of voltage, transient and small-signal stability. This team will also develop defence plans aimed at reducing as far as possible the impact of events causing voltage and stability problems.