Electrical engineering department, katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Belgium

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The University of Leuven is the oldest university in the Low Countries. Founded in 1425, KU Leuven is a Flemish university of Catholic origin with an international orientation. It has the legal statute of private institution. As a university, it is an academic institution where research that opens up new horizons and knowledge transfer are both essential and complementary. The university offers a wide range of education and research in both the exact and social sciences. Within the university, the main contact will be with the electrical engineering department and more specifically the ELECTA research group. The department of mechanical engineering (research group TME) will also take part in the project.

Main contributions to the project:
The ELECTA research group of the electrical engineering department at KU Leuven performs research on all aspects of the generation, transmission, distribution and rational use of electrical energy. The group is headed by Professor R. Belmans, whose research area covers techno-economical aspects of the liberalised electricity markets, with special emphasis on the transmission system. Topics covered are non-linear flow control, modelling of power flow (static and dynamic), congestion management, pricing of transmission and ancillary services, impact of regulatory affairs on the system performance. Three other professors are within the group. They manage the research, assisted by 6 post-docs. 40 Ph.D. students work within the group. The ELECTA research group is involved in a number of projects from the different European framework projects (e.g. Twenties, OPTIMATE, iTesla, 7MW-by-11WEC, Think, Smartgrids, EU-Deep, EU Reliance from FP6 and FP7). The ELECTA group will be the main contact for work package 3, work package 4, work package 5 and work package 6, the research group TME for work package 2.
At the division of Applied Mechanics and Energy Conversion (TME) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the work will be executed under the supervision of Dr Erik Delarue, in the unit ‘Energy and Environment’, headed by Professor William D’haeseleer.