Steering Committee

The programme is directed and controlled by the Steering Committee. It is the supervisory body for the execution of the project and reports to the General Assembly. The Steering Committee is composed of the coordinator and the work package leaders.

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the decision-making body of the project. It is composed of all the consortium members: the coordinator, work package leaders and members of work packages (partners). The General Assembly is a common point for discussion of project development and achievement. Its main role is one of information and overall project decision-making. The General Assembly ensures that the project integrates important stakeholder advice suggested by the Advisory Board and the Monitoring Body.

Electricity Highways Stakeholder Platform (EHSP)

The Electricity Highways Stakeholder Platform, set up by the European Commission, will be the Advisory Board for the project. This platform, bringing together all relevant stakeholders, should serve as an open forum to work and exchange views on all relevant issues related to the development of a future Pan-European Electricity Highways concept.The Advisory Board accompanies the project work and is consulted on key project outputs by the coordinator or a delegated body within the project. Although the Advisory Board can advice any consortium body, its advice and/or decisions are not binding for the consortium bodies and/or parties.The Platform has its own separate rules, which are not directly binding on the project.

Monitoring Body

The Monitoring Body is a further advisory body, focused on TSO issues, ensuring substantial involvement and commitment on the part of all ENTSO-E members. Therefore, the Monitoring Body is informed and consulted on key project outputs by the ENTSO-E representatives within the project, in order to receive its advice and to prepare ENTSO-E’s position within the consortium. It has no decision-making capacity within the project and any recommendations should be subject to the approval of the General Assembly. The Monitoring Body has its own separate rules, which are not binding for the project.

Scientific Advisory Panel

The Scientific Advisory Panel is focused on the R&D issues, ensuring significant levels of advice are provided for research aspects of the project. It is made up of academic scientists. It has no decision-making capacity within the project.